Monday, January 25, 2010

Just cant get enough

To start with there are always categories- broad categories into which you can slot everything. Its is never apparent in the beginning but give it some time and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Well a story might begin with attraction but it needs much more to be able to sustain it and here I'm not talking gyan on mental compatibility etc but plain physical appeal . Shes pretty and hes a rockstar but when you move beyond to see the dirt accumulated in her ear and hear his girly moans, then where do you run?

When I say a persons attractive it could mean only 3 things and it is in your best interest to recognize them asap.

1. A person is a stunner. Shes got blue eyes and brown hair and her skin is peaches and cream. Hes got silky hair which falls over his face, a nice tan and strong arms with which you want him to hold you and never let you go. BUT theres always a catch to this- She usually does'nt know if Ayn Rand is a he or a she, He usually does not know which phrase is to be used where OR her 'please love me' expressions which she thinks are cute are just repulsive and his hair which you thought was smooth and silky is thinning and you can see it when he sweats like a pig after his 'I'm a jock' game.

2. The person is by popular vote above average. No deformities from a distance. But its only a while till you realize he looks better when he does'nt smile because when he does his nostrils take up 3/4ths of the space on his face. So day after day you cant help but notice how turned off you are by this irritating feature of his. You jostle with the idea that you might get used to it but damn you cant!

3. The person is pleasant looking, noone has noticed him so far, he doesn't make heads turn but sometimes you cant help but wonder that his eyes are so soft or his back is so toned. You wonder what it would be like if his hands rested upon your shoulder or if his eyes met yours intently. You want to be able to feel his emotions of care, concern and of love. And then you think you've snapped out of it, but each day you're with him you know your eyes light up with one look at him, you long to see him the days that you haven't. With each passing day his face grows on you... its like you just cant get enough.
And trust me you'd give anything to be able to feel this.

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