Monday, January 25, 2010

Capitalist inclinations

My primary reason for dropping out of a mass comm course was film appreciation. Why would someone spend 2 hours critically analyzing a godforsaken short film which made zilch.. or maybe like a few pennies. I realized art was at most times, for the sake of it and I wanted to ride on it, not drive it.

Competition is not known to artists as much as it is known to businessmen. During my B school days I did not study, I competed and the sheer ecstasy of being able to sprint ahead is worth all the blood and toil. Competition however should be synonymous with passion. The passion with which you strive to quench the thirst and ensure you're spot on, is itself something which will take you places.

There are two ways of working: one is detaching yourself from your work and focusing on how to get it done, Ex. One assignment given to a group of 5, divided into 4 topics each done by one person and put together with research reports by one-tada! job done. I call it the mechanical approach, but it works flawlessly for some. The other approach is immersing yourself, getting obsessed with your work, Thinking about the different possible solutions and the one which is most unique yet workable, I am an avid believer of this one. Ex. An assignment given to a group of 5, everyone has an opinion based on their research, a lot of debate, a heated discussion, one conclusion and everyone still might not agree with it completely.

The first will be crisp, to the point and match expectations. The second may go down exceptionally well or may even run the risk of being seen as awkward and complicated, yet it will always be remembered as strikingly different.

Keep feeding your hunger- don't worry if people laugh at you for being the first to open your books before the term end exams or if they think you faff your way through even if you worked tirelessly for it. In fact when they do this, forgive them- for they have helped you achieve what you wanted to... everytime when you've 3x 'ed your efforts to beat them dead and make them shit in their pants-Mercy is not what is known to us, more so in the years to come. I often feel that i get a sadistic pleasure when I am able to unnerve people by my overtly competitive nature, the sight of seeing them topple over due to the pressure is soothing.

Everytime now that someone says "you're here to learn and not compete" I smile inwardly because i know competition makes one learn faster. What one needs to perfect is how to view it objectively and not take it to your heart i.e to use it just as a means.

Other situations where you might want to use this: In the gym keep tracking the speed of the woman in the treadmill next to yours. While shopping especially during sales, try and reach on day one and scan through stuff at the speed of light, also be on guard and keep a tight grip on what you're holding onto p.s take your boyfriend along to hold onto extra stuff. While reading a thick book, start with someone and try and finish before him. At work always outdo your boss and have all the answers, never let him catch you off guard. At a concert, be on time/arrange for VIP tickets/get to know the organizers and make sure you have the best seats.

Situations where you should not use this: Food (its just bad manners and makes you look like a glutton). When in love (no room for selfishness here). With family & friends (because you want to see them smile- always).

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