Monday, July 19, 2010

Riding high..riding fast

There has been an eternal battle between Power, Money and Fame-Who quashes the other two is as much a matter of individual whim and nature as ones state of inebriation after a glass of wine; for some the high may not be enough while for some others the craving for the next dose is magnified while they swirl the glass under their nose, take a whiff and roll their tongue letting the wine spread across it from front to back, side to side with a slurp of air and savour it.
When it comes to riding these three horses it is uncanny how almost everyone you know can be typified except ofcourse the tea-totalers or the L.I.T drinkers. 
Lets start with what according to me is far behind in the race-Money- the torch-bearers of 'money makes the world go round' syndrome are comfortable, mechanical, safe, they'd tweak themselves a little bit here and there to keep themselves happier and derive some joy of out doing things differently because they hardly indulge in that. A CEO who would just do anything to safeguard his precious spoils, from flower arrangements for the owners' daughter's wedding to entertaining her husband when he has a hairline fracture. Money paralyzes you if that is what you are singularly gunning for. The cardinals sins associated with this, greed, envy and sloth either makes one lose their mind or numbs them completely. It is because of people like them who are incompetent or inflexible that some bright others have to rollover and play dead.

I do have some respect left for the 'fame-seekers'. Full of fire, they want to create. They love the limelight and nothing pleases them more than appreciation and acknowledgement. The struggle seems sweet to them, its almost as if they are prepared for it. The guy who shrugs off a high flying corporate career for a brand consultancy, a copy-writer whos here to do his own thing, a freelance photographer, a director poised to make a mark... And then it happens, something that makes me think these dimwits should just survive on air and water, infact its probably this breed due to which the word pseudo got its place in the Oxford English dictionary. Anyway, when they're done with getting hit by pride, lust and gluttony they decide to dedicate their sympathies to the leftist-type as neither has any substance left. Truly then and literally its no surprise that this class is and always will be in the red.

Coming from a class A capitalist, who very frequently wants to live the high life, read this thread-bare. Money is a very very significant tool no denying that, but what next.. Wheres the wow 10 years if you earn a salary to the tune of one million.. what difference will it make.. you'd probably be able to buy your wife a bigger rock or your kid may have a PS3 when hes 5.. you will however 'be a slave to money then you'll die' (if u dont know what I'm humming now you've got to be kidding me!). The king of aces is nothing but Power. Its the inherent desire to run, control, possess and influence. You start with getting a grip on yourself, racking your brain and implementing the single most idea that enjoys your conviction. If it works, money and fame are just goodie bags that come with power. If it doesn't you can try a new drink or ask for a repeat- either ways you'll die regret-free. 
So if you think success is when your name flashes on when you switch jobs, or when you buy a jetta, its not. It is when you enjoy your vacation at the beach, your night-time read and your work as much. It is when you're no longer the pawn, you're the hand that moves it :)


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