Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mr. Right Now

Extremely fascinated by the idea of finding the 'one', I took a friend's recommendation quite seriously and bought Richard Bach's 'Bridge across forever'. After all that friend of mine, he was really into it, he hadn't been single since he was 14 and his girlfriends were the kinds who'd feed him grapes while he would stretch himself on satin sheets with one cushion under his head and one under his legs. We thought he'd found his calling in the girl he hooked up with in the dramsoc in the second week of college, but three years into that relationship, his quest for the 'one' finally ended. He decided to marry his close 'platonic' friend who'd seen him through 3 of his relationships- he decided when he was drunk and she was drunk and about 1407 kms apart from each other.

I stopped reading mid-way...

I've seen many an arduous affair fall flat and a lot of placid and bland equations blossom into something everlasting. And then it hit me, this thing, about finding the right person is almost like finding a new job. Its's not about how hard your search, how many interviews you go for and how brilliant you are- Its more than that-
1) You need to know the right people in the right companies from whom you hear about an opening or bright consultants in the sectors you're aiming to get into 2) there has to be a fitment in terms of work, number of years of experience, salary expectations, location etc. 3) The number of people applying for the job, their experience, institutes and packages 4) Saying the right thing at the right time to impress the right people.

So net-net, you might cross paths with a handsome man, a charmer who shares the same looking glass that you  do, to see the things around him and still part ways because he is looking to settle down and you've only just started discovering yourself.  You might find yourself extremely attracted to a friend of yours in June while he might begin to see how cutely you eat or roll your eyes or how pretty you look even while you're asleep in November but by that time you've simply gotten over him.

It boils down to one thing which always HAS to be going for two people who eventually get together- the timing, they have to be in the same phase! By that logic there is no Mr. Right.. but there is indeed a Mr. Right Now...

So what if you meet the right person after you've sealed the deal? Here's the test which is likely to give you a formula you can work with- a) You have the funnest conversations with him b) You never get bored talking to him c) Theres one thing both of you are passionate about-music, sports, films..the blah d) You can rub your eyes when you're sleepy till your kajal spreads and till you start to look like Veera (if you don't know this get off my blog now) and he still is very nonchalant about it- In simpler words you can just be yourself and feel most comfortable e) Ofcourse if he is great in bed you can do away with either a, b, c or d.
But this is no sure-shot way, as I've also heard: Most often, you come across the right person when you're already married... and all you can do then is hope she gets fat real fast!

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