Thursday, April 1, 2010

The friend hoggers

Typical characteristics: Mostly women, social butterflies, can pretend to be into everything and anything-name it-movies, books, sports, travel etc as long as the list covers the people they'd love attention from, boy-crazy, their best friends change every month, you feel you've known them for ages within 20 minutes of you meeting them, their criteria for turning up at parties is that they know the host's friend's wife's sister at least and they'd need to just be introduced to someone in order for them to become fb friends with him/her and exchange numbers over it.

They are a talented lot. They know exactly how to pick your closest friends and in a matter of few weeks initiate them into their life. And this is how it happens:

  • Friend hogger (FH) meets your friend
  • Adds him on FB
  • FH is delighted when she finds out they have common social interests. Exchanges numbers.
  • Now she texts him with random updates. Like " me and my friends are going for a trip to xxx, want to join in?"
  • If your friend's lose he'll go along if he's sane he'll tell you about how weird the FH was
  • If he's lose (may he burn in hell in that case) the FH with no sense of shame, dignity or esteem will be convenient for him and he will in that case spend more time with her.
  • This may lead to one of the three things: a relationship, a fling or a NBF (new best friend with you out of the picture)
  • At the end of all three, even though he will realize what an ass he was, your equation with him will never be the same
  • The end of something very special for him and for you.
But- If you were smart you would've been able to spot those pretentious bitches and put them in their place. This is how:

Friend hoggers don't usually have a life of their own, it is ok to use their company for an occasional cup of coffee with an acquaintance but its not ok to invite them over to your place with your bum-chums around. They're dumb, so you can fluff them away and ignore them, they're most often emotionally fragile so a subtle threat from you could ward them off. But yet you may cross paths with some grade A bitches and to counter that you have to be at your charming best.. ofcourse it does'nt do much harm if throw in a line or two about her sideburns or stinky ordour ;)

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