Sunday, February 27, 2011

Old is (G)old

Growing old has varied coping mechanisms. In fact some of the strangest ones fall in this cadre. Some react with strong defenses, consoling themselves of its inevitability and being supremely cocky with people half their age, passing them off as amateurs who haven't seen enough in life while they themselves struggle with the MAC book pro, take time out once a month to find that burgundy to mix with the brown and brush it with impeccable strokes to cover all grey and have to be reminded to check their email, as efficiency as a concept died when they turned 35. Others start dawning the beach blues and the converse chappals, the lingo they opt for amuses a thirteen year old and at times they scare the blatantly young  at pubs with the mustache parade, guzzling neat whiskey and jiving to Ma Baker. And some others turn into freaks who haunt the gyms, jogging tracks, Shiamak Davar classes and Pilate sessions- this lot is still respectable without their yellow bandanas and tiny neon shorts.

The truth is when the sheets are off the grace, the salt n peppered hair, the finesse and the wisdom. Old age breeds-- cynics who snarl at seeing others get things early in life compared to them; inflexible, over-opinionated idiots who insist on doing things exactly the same way-like butter on toast but not everything can be classically good, some can bore you to death. Shackled at the core and devoid of all passion from having lost a large part of their life without an ounce of doing anything close to following their dreams, they vent out their frustration on food, employees or wives. How can some-one so one-tracked then be called to lecture a bunch of self-motivated aspirants on how to do things differently and keep the fire alive...

What they have a problem getting through a dense (or head is that there is no use crying hoarse just so you secure for yourself some respect, your time is now now also have to give some to get some.

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