Thursday, February 16, 2012

Saluting the bimbettes

The world of YWAs (young working adults) gets increasingly judgmental with each power band and obviously they transition from YWAs to OWAs during this process. They tend to escape the frivolity of what they fret at, by scrutinizing the people down below, who appear much happier compared their own unhealthy worn-out selves. Of course there are exceptions who might soften when they reach the self-actualization phase or when they reach burn-out.

The one place where their ability to comb and sift is stronger than usual is not in office but at airports. I am guessing it could purely be a function of time at hand and the fact that the silent piercing and probing is projected at strangers and they in turn need not be bothered about the glances scanning them in return. The moment two laptop semi-owners run into each other they notice 1. the models of one another's laptops and handsets 2. The label on the shirt and the leather on the shoes (I'm discounting people who hail from south India here- these are things they won't waste their precious money on (the sole purpose of it being yellow gold or an education abroad).

Well at one such time when I was ambling around a book shop at the airport I noticed a sold-his-soul-to-a-corporate man staring at me and almost sighing as I was getting the latest copy of Vogue billed. The next instant he picked up the Economist. Clearly fashion was not his forte but what right did that give him to condemn it outright. It is funny that his ticket to intellectual superiority was a copy of the Economist (even though he slept midway while navigating through an article). And this is how..exactly how, that people with faces which definitely don't delight brand the fairer/thinner others and penalize them for having something that they themselves don't posses. Now I don't have enough dough but I don't remember ever taking pot-shots at Indra Nooyi's badly-gone-wrong haircut.

I enjoy my bimbotic moments also because this word now encapsulates even the finer feminine things thanks to bespectacled rotund men and women in blazers. And after this post, never again will I write-off a bimbette because at least they do complete justice to what they bring to the table; they never promised to meet deadlines or come up with path-breaking ideas anyway. And EOD they're easy on the eyes-For every ugly CEO there are 3 pretty secretaries who make your day:) Here's saluting each one of them!