Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is life..so full of care

The single most depressing lesson in every child's life is 'Evapouration'. Suddenly clouds don't remind us of candyfloss, or cotton-balls. Rainbows are no longer magical. Enchanting becomes a dinosaur...a rare breed.

There is a corner in my mind where reality is not on the driver's seat. Where polka dotted mushrooms, beautiful bridges dotted with flowers across blue rivers, a wishing well, colour-changing birkin bags and an elevator to the land of happiness all exist. Lately however my wand does'nt seem to be working at the right time to help me transcend to this state of utter leisurely foolishness. The flowers...I see them... but I don't get the time to notice two pretty pink and yellow butterflies playing alongside. A cup of tea in the rain needs to be orchestrated. And you feel sheltered in flights... thankful that network providers don't operate there.

Is it me, or is it that times are changing really fast. I don't hear of tooth fairies anymore and fantasy has taken the 3D route... Goodbye Lego! ...Silver aluminium foil amused me as a child, naivety it may be, but it put a smile on my face. I've seen enough, and the world is now seen by the eyes of a sadist. Little joys disappear and make way for colourful paper bags. Sadly the only time you can afford to put the ringer on silent is when your mother calls out of concern, your sibling calls for advice or your husband calls just because he misses you.

Your life now has a ring-master who lets you out for a stroll once in a while to enjoy your almost-natural surroundings. Then you let it sink in and you realize that... nothing can ever be a bigger whoopie than the first time you sat in an airplane..not even that Ipad, that friends made, as you tread the beaten path will never hold as sacred a place, that sand under your feet is a great feeling, that marshmellows and chocolate can still make feel you content, that power-cuts would never be as much fun with the invertor, that sleeping under the stars on a warm night was a brilliant idea and that back-to-back movie plans still get your pulse racing.

W.H Davies embeds the thought just so neatly!
P.S Live well, Laugh often, Love much. If you feel you're not being fair to yourself..Quit. Remember: To quit and to fail are not the same.